Showing posts with label Core Values. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Core Values. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 13- What Else Should You Consider?

I started out in Part 1 talking about customer service and I am sure you know by now that when your customer service fails then no matter what you do to gain new clients or appease current ones you are not going to be in business for long.

I also posted about the following ways to help your client or patients find you:
        Using the Internet
        Social Networking

        What’s Left?
        Pod Casts
        Radio shows
        TV interviews
        Seminars and exhibiting
        Community specific marketing
        Out-reach education

All of these can be used interactively with your social networks, websites and blogs
 Although all of these external marketing techniques are ways to reach new patients and educate current clients, great customer service along with a warm, compassionate attitude from you and your entire staff can never be replaced.
Obviously I have not elaborated nearly enough throughout this 13 part series on reaching and supporting your patient or client,  however that is because each  company is run differently and addresses issues in a very unique way. This is because we all have a different reasons why we are in the Third Party Reproductive field and have different ideas regarding  how to actually achieve our business goals.  This is where a knowledgeable consultant like LaMothe Services, LLC can come in and assist you in redefining your business plan and helping you implement a few of the ideas I have outlined in this blog. Feel free to contact me via e-mail at or call 727-458-8333 to set up a free consultation!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Quick Tip for Surrogacy Agency Owners- Surround Yourself with Awesome People!

Build up the people around you. Surround Yourself with Awesome People. Feed off of the energy that successful people bring to the table. Be positive and be in the position where you are always willing to listen and learn.