Showing posts with label Marketing Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marketing Tips. Show all posts

Monday, December 21, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 10- The Webinar

A Webinar (web + seminar) provides a convenient opportunity to learn from experts without having to travel. Webinars combine three means of communication: phone, online presentation, and a chat window for typing questions.
Webinar's can be either live – great for audience participation – or pre-recorded. They work incredibly well as a marketing tool because they can bring together powerful elements with a high engagement level such as audio, images, video, music and live action. Webinars can help you to stay connected with your target audience, get in-depth insight on their motivations, needs and desires, and use this information to figure out how YOUR business can serve them best.
Tips for Putting Together a Successful Online Presentation
         Choose a topic that will resonate with your target audience.
        Promote the webinar (Here is where your social media will come in handy!)
        Practice your presentation
        You can use free webinar sites (up to a certain number of attendees) such as AnyMeeting or paid services like GoToWebinar
        Learn the software

Some ideas are better suited to the webinar format than others. For example, the following would be a good fit for a webinar:
  • A detailed examination of a niche topic from a fresh angle
  • A panel discussion of a timely, news-based issue in your industry
  • A thorough, example-driven “how-to” tutorial
  • An adaptation of a presentation from a conference speaking engagement
  • An interview with an industry thought leader
On the other hand, the following probably wouldn’t make for a particularly compelling webinar:
  • A minor product release or update
  • A news-based webinar with little or no new information/opinion
  • A broad, “content thin” webinar on a general topic
  • A webinar focusing on a tired idea or concept (e.g. “content is king”)
  • A straight-up sales deck/product pitch
*Source: Word Stream
Again this is where your social networking will come into play with the promotion of your webinar and then later posting it on You Tube.
Have you ever put together a webinar? What tips would you like to share? What questions would you like to ask? Please comment here!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 9- Pinterest

  • There are over 75 billion ideas on Pinterest.
  • 87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest.
  • 72% of Pinners use Pinterest to decide what to buy offline.
  • 67% of Pinners are under 40-years-old.
  • Over 5% of all referral traffic to websites comes from Pinterest.
  • Pinterest said 80% of its users access Pinterest through a mobile device.
  • 93% of active pinners said they use Pinterest to plan for purchases and 87% said they’ve purchased something because of Pinterest.
  • Two-thirds of pins represent brands and products.
  • Food & Drink & Technology are the most popular categories for men.
  • An average Pins made by an Active Female User is 158.
  • Recipes: There are more than 1.7 billion recipe Pins.
  • Shopping: Every day nearly 2M people Pin product rich Pins.
  • Articles: More than 14 million articles are Pinned each day.
  • Average time spent on Pinterest per visit is 14.2 minutes.
*Source: Omnicore
Why am I telling you about Pinterest? Because a lot of people in the reproductive field have yet to think of this as a great marketing tool!  Below are some thoughts on who you might be able to reach via advertizing on Pinterest:
        Women interested in becoming Egg Donors
        Women interested in freezing their eggs
        Women interested in Surrogacy
        Women who may need IUI or IVF
        Women who need sperm donors
        Women interested in taking place in clinical trials/studies
        Women who are already experiencing infertility and need support and guidance
Remember!! The Pinterest annual household income of $100,000 or more, almost 73 percent are female…..This is the reason I am giving Pinterest a separate plug….it is a great marketing avenue.
* This chart is from 2017 so note that these statistics have changed

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Psychological Triggers That Win Sales and Influence Customers/Clients for Your Surrogacy or Egg Donation Business: Trigger 6 Scarcity

Scarcity the least favorite tactic in our field of egg donors and surrogacy. We are already struggling with "Scarcity" of qualified surrogates and although there are more women willing to be donors, Indian, Jewish, Asian and Red headed-blue eyed girls may be few and far between! Because the field is already flooded with Intended Parents waiting for that perfect egg donor or surrogate, there is no need to start a panic. Most of our clients are well aware how hard it is to find someone that they really feel a connection with to carry their baby or find that donor who has the genetics they long to have within their own child's DNA. Having said that, "specials" still can bring more clients to your door. "Free" psychological evaluations for a limited time, Lowering agency fees for National Infertility Awareness Month, Exhibit Booth specials if IPs sign up during a conference. All of these have expiration dates that compel people to make a decision and hop on board.

On the donor or surrogacy side of things, offering referral specials and certain times of the year that may be higher then the norm sometimes attract more attention. (Extra money for the holidays, education or a special family vacation anyone?) The point here is not to use smoke and mirrors or tricks but to genuinely show how far your business is willing to go...for a limited time.

The flip side of this "tactic" is if you have to many clients waiting for surrogates or donors, you will need to slow things down. Removing all offers or specials from your website, post the waiting period time frame to the public and then just work with the clients you do have and make them as happy as possible. When you are back to full speed, you will receive testimonials from delighted clients and a stronger reputation to share. Being as upfront as possible will keep your integrity in place and a smile on your client's face. 

Be sure to check out Triggers 1: Reciprocity, Trigger 2: Commitment and Consistency, Trigger 3: Liking, Trigger 4: Authority, Trigger 5: Social Proof!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Psychological Triggers That Win Sales and Influence Customers/Clients for Your Surrogacy or Egg Donation Business: Trigger 5 Social Proof

Social Proof really does come with years of experience. This is what helps clients/customers feel that you are honest, trustworthy and reliable. Testimony on your website can assist with this. Reviews about your published works or your involvement in speaking engagements, webinars, and other industry related work will highlight the best of you and your services. When you are considered "trusted" you and your business can go a long way.

How do you start getting this "Social Proof"? If you are changing careers you can have past employers or your employees write a few kind words about you for your testimonial page. This is similar to asking for a reference. The next step is to build a great reputation through your good works with your clients and business associates. When you feel you have made a positive impact then ask for a review or a testimonial. Once people see that you have positive responses to your business acumen they will be more likely to want to work with you or hire you to assist them. 
Don't forget that volunteering on a board or joining a society like the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and attending meetings will also bring exposure to you and your business. Networking is a must as well. Remember, you will always need positive"Social Proof" and having a great reputation is 100% part of that!

Be sure to check out Triggers 1, Reciprocity, Trigger 2, Commitment and Consistency, Trigger 3, Liking and Trigger 4 Authority!

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Psychological Triggers That Win Sales and Influence Customers/Clients for Your Surrogacy or Egg Donation Business: Trigger 4 Authority

What is the definition of Authority? "The power to influence others, especially because if one's commanding manner or one's recognized knowledge about something" is the best definition to fit a business like a surrogacy or egg donation agency. But who runs that business? You do.

Surrounding yourself with professionals in the third party reproductive field is a must in any case. We need to work with Reproductive Attorneys, Reproductive Endocrinologists and clinical staff, Mental Health Professionals, Escrow Agents, Hospital Staff, Insurance Companies and sometimes even the Pharma companies. Their expertise and positions of Authority speak well of our own businesses and reputations. 
Your personal position of Authority comes from your experiences in your chosen field. You may be an Intended Parent and had a successful yet stressful surrogacy experience and now you want to not only share your knowledge but help other's through the surrogacy journey. Maybe you are a past egg donor (six times!) and feel that you know enough about the process to start your own agency. I know of quite a few Gestational Carriers, who feel that starting their own company and tweaking a few of the services to better appeal to others like themselves, are certain that it will lead them to a lifetime of fulfillment now that they no longer are carrying children for others.

All of these scenarios are about people with real life experiences. If they continue to learn and grow and watch other's in their chosen area, they could be considered an Authority or Expert in their field.    

Be sure to check out Triggers 1, Reciprocity, Trigger 2, Commitment and Consistency and Trigger 3, Liking!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Psychological Triggers That Win Sales and Influence Customers/Clients for Your Surrogacy or Egg Donation Business: Trigger 2 Commitment and Consistency

As we all know in the surrogacy and egg donation field, Intended Parents may be one time clients. However, egg donors and gestational carriers are the kind hearted women that most likely will come back and help another couple if they had a good experience the first time around.

Commitment and Consistency is all about making surrogates and donors feel committed to the agency and its"brand". For example, after the donation or birth journey is complete, these past surrogates and donors should continue to receive newsletters, birthday and anniversary cards, and personal messages from their agency. This helps them still feel like part of the process and feel important to your company (agency) even though they may not be matched at the time.

Word of mouth is a great marketing tool and even if the past donor or surrogate decides that she is done, she could still send your business a friend, family member, or co-worker who is interested in helping a couple complete a family by having YOUR BUSINESS represent them.

Remember that these tips go hand in hand with the daily running of your business and you must keep involved from start to finish in order to leave a great impression. 

Be sure to check out Trigger 1, Reciprocity!

Friday, March 26, 2010

6 Online Marketing Tips to More Biz By V. Summers

Read and learn. I preach these tips (and should follow them myself...) to all of my clients and it is excellent advice. But don't take my word for it.... Sharon

Ask savvy business owners today what they are doing to take their business to its next level in this current economic climate and you will soon find out it’s all about the online world. These peak performers have identified a golden opportunity to expand market share while also reducing cost through applying simple online marketing strategies. The most exciting part of this skyrocketing industry is that you can easily participate too!

Research tells us that there are more 1.5 billion–yes I said BILLION–online users today, and every three seconds someone new joins the internet community. Statistics tell us that in the next 10 years the online world will create more multimillionaires than ever in history. Will you and your business be one of them?

The funny thing is, once you know the formulas to online marketing, it all seems rather obvious. And every time you log onto your computer, whether it be to visit a website, read an e-mail or a blog, view video or tweet–you understand the online marketing strategies that you are viewing.

For one thing, you can see the mistakes other business owners are making with their online marketing that is costing them time, clients and, ultimately, MONEY.

To help you avoid making some of these costly mistakes, take a look at these six simple tips I put together for you:

KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid is the acronym, right? Well, in the online world, “A Confused Mind Will Always Decline!” For example, something simple is your business e-mail address. You need to have an e-mail address that matches your business name. No yahoo or hotmail e-mail address such as, If your business web site URL is, then your e-mail address should be something along the lines of What does your business card currently say?

Credibility. Build it, and they will come. You always want your business address, contact telephone number, fax number and e-mail address listed on every page of your website and all of your correspondence via e-mail, blog, Twitter, home page, etc. so your prospects and customers can find them easily. Don’t make them search for it. Why? Credibility. You want to build trust with your prospects and customers–to help them understand your product/service and that you are a real business. Let them know you really exist.

WIFM: What’s in it for me? Your website and online marketing efforts need to be geared toward WIFM. One of the biggest mistakes most people make with their online marketing efforts and website is that they make it all about themselves. Your site and correspondence needs to be about giving your ideal demographic of prospects and clients what they want as quickly and effectively as possible. For example, take a gander at your home page on your website today. It should have 75 percent “you” and 25 percent “we,” “I,” and “us.”

Have a professional picture. Branding yourself and your specific service and/or products is essential. Don’t scrimp on a great head shot that you believe will resonate with your ideal demographic. This head shot will be viewed multiple times in different areas on your site, e-zine, blog, video, social media networks, information products, etc. This picture is a representation of you and your business–and has the opportunity to quickly attract or turn off your online prospects and customers. If you don’t have one, make a plan to get one today.

Fonts. Use a single font on your online marketing promotions and website. Too many fonts and sizes will confuse the eye and make them difficult to read. Think of clean, clear and easily consumable when you think of your online promotions. Remember, if you make it difficult or distracting to consume your website content, e-zines, sales pages, blogs etc., you will most likely not have an impact with your online marketing efforts.

No “know, like and trust” to be found. This is a big doozy for many folks who jump online and start sending out random promotions or post a website that is really just one big, fat brochure. Old-school mistakes. In the online world, one of the secrets to success is building your “know, like and trust” factor with your prospects and clients. One of the easiest ways to do this, but least often used, is getting a little personal. Most businesses completely miss the boat on this one. It’s all business with no personal, “humanistic” note. My students have told me the first thing they read is my little personal note when they open their Insights issue each week.

As a business owner, you have surely experienced countless times that people buy from people they know, like and trust. So go ahead, get a little personal and let your prospects and clients know, like and trust you a little bit more.