Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 11-A Note About E-Newsletters or

You can reach potential outside your immediate geographic area with a E-Newsletter. An e-newsletter may open new business channels for you as you gain greater exposure.

How an E-zine can Help Your Business Grow
(E-mail Marketing)
        E-zines connect you with people who’ve expressed a positive interest in your product or service.
        Your e-newsletter establishes you as an expert in the field if you publish high-value information.
        E-zines are far less expensive to produce than direct mail, are read by a far higher percentage of recipients, and are completely trackable.
        You can take the same content you create for your e-newsletter and re-purpose it for print. (website, social net)
        Accepted wisdom is to publish no fewer than four times a year. (once a month would be ideal)
        Constant Contact is one of many affordable ways to reach your customers with Email marketing
You can have people sign up on your website, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube or in your office to receive your E-newsletter. Remember Email marketing continues to be a an affordable as well as "green" way to share information or a special promotion with your customers and target audience. 

Extra TIP**You can also use your blog posts in your newsletter or vice versa.

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