Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 12- Mobile Phone Marketing

What Do People Use Their SMARTPHONE’s For?
  • Time on mobile is mostly app time: People are spending an average of 3:23 per day in apps, and only 50 minutes on the mobile web.
  • Nearly 75 percent of US adults will use a smartphone in 2017, as market penetration continues to increase
  • Smartphone users spend approximately 10 percent of their time — over 20 minutes per day — on mobile social media.
SMS= Short Message Service MMS=Multimedia Messaging Service (You Tube, Webinair) ipad, iphone, android …Smart Phones ….How about just plain texting? All ways to get the all important client/patient attention! Again, if you have Facebook or Twitter your clients can access your updates and tweets via their mobile phone.
* This chart is from 2017 so note that these statistics have changed

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 11-A Note About E-Newsletters or

You can reach potential outside your immediate geographic area with a E-Newsletter. An e-newsletter may open new business channels for you as you gain greater exposure.

How an E-zine can Help Your Business Grow
(E-mail Marketing)
        E-zines connect you with people who’ve expressed a positive interest in your product or service.
        Your e-newsletter establishes you as an expert in the field if you publish high-value information.
        E-zines are far less expensive to produce than direct mail, are read by a far higher percentage of recipients, and are completely trackable.
        You can take the same content you create for your e-newsletter and re-purpose it for print. (website, social net)
        Accepted wisdom is to publish no fewer than four times a year. (once a month would be ideal)
        Constant Contact is one of many affordable ways to reach your customers with Email marketing
You can have people sign up on your website, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube or in your office to receive your E-newsletter. Remember Email marketing continues to be a an affordable as well as "green" way to share information or a special promotion with your customers and target audience. 

Extra TIP**You can also use your blog posts in your newsletter or vice versa.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 10- The Webinar

A Webinar (web + seminar) provides a convenient opportunity to learn from experts without having to travel. Webinars combine three means of communication: phone, online presentation, and a chat window for typing questions.
Webinar's can be either live – great for audience participation – or pre-recorded. They work incredibly well as a marketing tool because they can bring together powerful elements with a high engagement level such as audio, images, video, music and live action. Webinars can help you to stay connected with your target audience, get in-depth insight on their motivations, needs and desires, and use this information to figure out how YOUR business can serve them best.
Tips for Putting Together a Successful Online Presentation
         Choose a topic that will resonate with your target audience.
        Promote the webinar (Here is where your social media will come in handy!)
        Practice your presentation
        You can use free webinar sites (up to a certain number of attendees) such as AnyMeeting or paid services like GoToWebinar
        Learn the software

Some ideas are better suited to the webinar format than others. For example, the following would be a good fit for a webinar:
  • A detailed examination of a niche topic from a fresh angle
  • A panel discussion of a timely, news-based issue in your industry
  • A thorough, example-driven “how-to” tutorial
  • An adaptation of a presentation from a conference speaking engagement
  • An interview with an industry thought leader
On the other hand, the following probably wouldn’t make for a particularly compelling webinar:
  • A minor product release or update
  • A news-based webinar with little or no new information/opinion
  • A broad, “content thin” webinar on a general topic
  • A webinar focusing on a tired idea or concept (e.g. “content is king”)
  • A straight-up sales deck/product pitch
*Source: Word Stream
Again this is where your social networking will come into play with the promotion of your webinar and then later posting it on You Tube.
Have you ever put together a webinar? What tips would you like to share? What questions would you like to ask? Please comment here!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 9- Pinterest

  • There are over 75 billion ideas on Pinterest.
  • 87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest.
  • 72% of Pinners use Pinterest to decide what to buy offline.
  • 67% of Pinners are under 40-years-old.
  • Over 5% of all referral traffic to websites comes from Pinterest.
  • Pinterest said 80% of its users access Pinterest through a mobile device.
  • 93% of active pinners said they use Pinterest to plan for purchases and 87% said they’ve purchased something because of Pinterest.
  • Two-thirds of pins represent brands and products.
  • Food & Drink & Technology are the most popular categories for men.
  • An average Pins made by an Active Female User is 158.
  • Recipes: There are more than 1.7 billion recipe Pins.
  • Shopping: Every day nearly 2M people Pin product rich Pins.
  • Articles: More than 14 million articles are Pinned each day.
  • Average time spent on Pinterest per visit is 14.2 minutes.
*Source: Omnicore
Why am I telling you about Pinterest? Because a lot of people in the reproductive field have yet to think of this as a great marketing tool!  Below are some thoughts on who you might be able to reach via advertizing on Pinterest:
        Women interested in becoming Egg Donors
        Women interested in freezing their eggs
        Women interested in Surrogacy
        Women who may need IUI or IVF
        Women who need sperm donors
        Women interested in taking place in clinical trials/studies
        Women who are already experiencing infertility and need support and guidance
Remember!! The Pinterest annual household income of $100,000 or more, almost 73 percent are female…..This is the reason I am giving Pinterest a separate plug….it is a great marketing avenue.
* This chart is from 2017 so note that these statistics have changed

Monday, November 30, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 8- What About Blogs?

Now I don't want to insult anybody's intelligence but I am going to start out with the blog basics and move on from there so please bare with me!

If you don't already have a business blog then the following tips will help you set one up:
       An interesting, creative title to draw attention
       All of your contact information
       A short biography of you and your business
       A picture of you and your office
       Introduction to your staff
       Useful resource links
       Links to your Social Network page(s)
       Include fresh content at least once or twice per week
*There are many Blogging tools and sites including, and All have a do-it- yourself approach. Your website may also provide a component for your business blog
I have several business and surrogacy related blogs out there plus I write for other people's blogs. I love reposting from other bloggers too. All of this can help your brand and business grow.
* This chart is from 2017 so note that these statistics have changed

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 7-More Ways to Use You Tube

        Create “how to” videos to help your patients (How to give yourself an injection for example)
        Post solutions to common problems or issues
        Embed videos on your web site on appropriate pages, including customer support and product tours.
        Post a blog entry discussing a problem and include a video for visual support.
        Go the extra mile by adding closed-captions or subtitles to your videos. Remember that not everyone can watch or hear videos in the same way
As you can see You Tube is a valuable tool for your marketing tool box. It can take some time to get a polished product up and running but it will be well worth it in the end.  Other how to video's can include what to expect in an egg retrieval, an embryo transfer, what does a 3 day embryo look like, a tour of your offices or lab, or meet a satisfied client. The sky is the limit!

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 6-Making You Tube Work for You and Your Clients/Patients

Let's start off with a You Tube Hot Fact:  Social media-related YouTube stats are impressive. 

YouTube Statistics 

  • The very first YouTube video was uploaded on 23 April 2005.
  • The total number of people who use YouTube – 1,300,000,000.
  • 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute!
  • Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single day.
  • YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day
  • In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-49 year-olds watch YouTube.
  • By 2025, half of the viewers under 32 will not subscribe to a pay-TV service.
  • 6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV
  • The total number of hours of video watched on YouTube each month – 3.25 billion.
  • 10,113 Youtube videos generated over 1 billion views.
  • 80% of YouTube’s views are from outside of the U.S.
  • The average number of mobile YouTube video views per day is 1,000,000,000
  • The average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes. This is up with more than 50% year-over-year.
  • Female users are 38% and male users are 62%.
  • User Percentage by Age 18-24 – 11%, 25-34 – 23%, 35-44 – 26%, 45-54 – 16%, 50-64 – 8%, 65+ – 3%, unknown age – 14%.
  • More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices.
  • YouTube’s mobile revenue is up to 2x y/y.
  • YouTube overall and even YouTube on mobile alone reaches more 18-34 and 18-49 year-olds than any cable network in the U.S.
  • The number of hours people spend watching videos (aka watch time) on YouTube is up 60% year-over-year, the fastest growth we’ve seen in 2 years.
  • You can navigate YouTube in a total of 76 different languages (covering 95% of the Internet population).
  • YouTube has launched local versions in more than 88 countries.
  • 9% of U.S small businesses use Youtube
  • Approximately 20% of the people who start your video will leave after the first 10 seconds. Create a damn good intro.
*Credit to Fortunelords 

Let You Tube help you brand YOU!

Now that you have let that sink in, below are some tips for making You Tube work for you and your patients/clients:
        Set up a channel to reflect your brand and engage with others.
        Create short videos of valuable tips of interest to your clients and prospects to show off your expertise.
        Share slides from presentations that weren’t recorded. (which, by the way, is exactly what I am doing here!!)
        Put together a creative video explaining your services.
        Promote your events using recordings of previous events.
        Introduce your staff to add authenticity.
        Post links to your videos on various social networks.
        Display company information in every video including name, URL, phone number and email address.

More You Tube tips on the next post!
* This information is from 2017 so note that these numbers have changed

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Modernizing The Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 5- You Tube

Not only can you use You Tube for your own Videos- you can implement the following to get the most out of this amazing site!
·         Streaming Ads-Shorter is better....less than 1 min
·         Advertise on the side bar
·         Advertise on 3rd Party sites 

In the next few posts I have some great ideas for you on how to make You Tube work for you! Have you subscribed yet to this blog? You probably should so all of this great information will land in your e-mail in box and you can read it over coffee and start planning your marketing strategy for 2018!! 
**Learn more about LaMothe Services and how I can help YOU!
* This chart is from 2018 so note that these numbers have changed

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 4- Twitter

Letting Twitter Work for You

       Invite your professional network (via e-mail, Facebook and LinkedIN) to connect with you on Twitter
       Lookup professional associates manually
       Follow other professional associates that you know or want to work with
       Post a note “tweet” about your company news, events, activities, services, promote other professionals
       Drive traffic to your Websites, You Tube, Facebook and Blogs by tweeting about posts and articles
       Utilize for opinion polls
       Build community by commenting/retweeting others
Remember that you can link these social networking sites together in several different ways. This enables you to just post in one place and have that same post show up in several different sites.
* This chart is from 2017 so note that these numbers have changed

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Modernizing the Patient Experience in Reproductive Medicine: Part 3- Facebook

First let me tell you some facts that you may or may not know. I am pretty sure if you are reading this it just might be that you saw my blog post link on my own Facebook or Twitter feed and so you already know all about what I am going to share...or on and see! ;-)

Facebook Facts and Statistics

  1. Worldwide, Total number of Monthly Active Users: 2 billion.
  2. Total number of Mobile Monthly Active Users: 1.66 billion.
  3. Total number of Desktop Daily Active Users: 1.18 billion.
  4. Total number of Mobile Daily Active Users: 1.57 billion.
  5. The gender split on Facebook is 46% men and 54% women.
  6. One in five page views in the United States occurs on Facebook.
  7. More than 83% of daily active users are outside the US and Canada.
  8. The Facebook like button has been pressed 1.13 trillion times.
  9. The average time spent on Facebook per visit is 20 minutes making the average monthly time spent to 600 hours.
  10. At its current growth rate, Facebook acquires about 8 users per second. That’s 7,246 people every 15 minutes.
  11. 75% of all men and 83% of all women who use the internet can be reached via Facebook.
  12. Every 60 seconds, this is what happens on Facebook: 3,000,000 items are shared, 243,000 images are uploaded and 3,125,000 likes are generated.
  13. Currently, Facebook is available in 101 languages.
  14. Any two people on Facebook are separated by an average of 57 degrees of separation.
  15. Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp collectively process about 60 billion messages a day,3 times the number of normal SMSes sent globally.
  16. An average Facebook user has 155 friends.
  17. 87% of online users of age 18-29 are on Facebook.
  18. 56% of online Seniors aged 65+ are on Facebook and 63% are between age 50-64.
  19. About 66% of Facebook users turn to the platform for news.
  20. As reported at the end of Q1, Facebook’s revenue stands at $8.03 billion, at a 49% increase year-on-year.
  21. 80% of Facebook’s revenue comes from ads, and 20% from virtual games.
  22. 65 million businesses now have Facebook pages.
  23. Nearly one-third of Facebook users (32 percent) engage with brands regularly.
  24. 42% of marketers report that Facebook is critical or important to their business.
  25. 42% of customer service responses from brands on Facebook happen within the first 60 minutes.
  26. 70% marketers claimed that they use Facebook to acquire new customers, while 47% have said that the social network was their top influence for purchases.
With some of these numbers you might now see why you should really give due respect to what this free networking service can do for you and your business if you manage to keep up with it all. And that is not so hard to do!

Below are a few tips on how to use Facebook to your best advantage.

        Create a professional Facebook page for your Practice

        Select a business category from the drop-down menu such as “Health/Medical/Pharm.”

        Create an interesting profile, photos (office, staff, etc.)

        Advertise your new profile by sending it to all your co-workers and professional friends

        Make sure you add links to your website, You Tube, LinkedIN, Twitter and blog

        Remember to update and post several times per week
Do you have more to add? Please write down your own tips in the comment section! 

 [ FB Fact Source: ZephoriaDrumupWikipediaOmnicoreagency]